Error Codes

Below is a list of all error codes used by the Toolkit, and a brief description of what they mean.

The Toolkit uses a “low-noise” approach to error handling. Only those errors which absolutely must be caught and handled are assigned error codes. In all other cases, the Toolkit adopts reasonable behavior which is explicitly specified in the documentation.

For example, imagine you call Line Plot with X and Y arrays which are not the same size. Rather than generate an error, the Toolkit plots the common portion of the arrays.

402900 - Failed to Initialize Plotting Library

The Toolkit relies on a small bundled plotting library. This error means that, for some reason, the library failed to start properly. The text portion of the error cluster will contain a detailed reason why.

Since this error is only possible when the first Toolkit VI is called, it is good practice to check for it once, on app startup using Init, rather than after each VI call.

If you see this error, please contact us so we can investigate. It should never be triggered in normal operation.

402901 - Error in Plotting Library

While making the plot, an unspecified error occured and the plot was not able to be completed.

If you see this error, please contact us so we can investigate. It should never be triggered in normal operation.

402902 - Invalid Plot Identifier

The plot identifier wasn’t recognized; for example, it has already been closed. If you are unsure whether an identifier is valid, you can use Is ID Valid to check.

402903 - Unrecognized File Extension

For Save Plot To Disk, the desired format couldn’t be determined based on the file extension. See Save Plot To Disk docs for a list of supported formats.

402904 - Failed to Save File

For Save Plot To Disk, the plot was rendered successfully but an error occurred when saving the plot to disk. See the error message for more information. Typical causes include e.g. permissions issues.

402905 - Operation Not Supported for Polar Plot

The plot was created with polar axes (New Plot ID), and an operation was requested which doesn’t make sense or is unimplemented for polar axes. Consult the message in the error cluster for more details. See also Making Polar Plots.

402906 - Operation Not Supported for Axis Scale

The plot was created with log or symlog scales (New Plot ID), and an operation was requested which doesn’t make sense or is unimplemented for the current scale type. Consult the message in the error cluster for more details.

402907 - Coordinates Not Regular

Certain VIs (e.g. Streamline Plot) require that the X and Y coordinate arrays, if provided, satisfy certain constraints. For example, they might be required to be equally spaced, or monotonically increasing. Consult the message in the error cluster for details.