Histogram Plot

Make a 1D histogram plot from raw data.

A histogram plot is a bar chart showing the distribution of values in a particular data set. The X axis is divided into a number of regions, or bins, and the data values are sorted into them. The height of the bars indicates the number of elements which fall in each bin.

Both Histogram VIs described here additionally support a cumulative mode, in which the height of each bar indicates the number of values in that bin, plus all previous bins. Turn this on via the Cumulative setting in the property cluster.

By default, the bar heights represent the raw number of values in each bin. If the Normalize setting is True, the bar heights are percentages of the total number of values in the input array.

This VI participates in The Automatic Color Cycle.

This is a polymorphic VI, which provides two subVIs depending on how the bins are specified. To automatically generate a certain number of bins, use Histogram Plot (Automatic). To manually specify bins, use Histogram Plot (Manual). The polymorphic VI will also automatically adapt based on the type of data wired to Bins.

Histogram Plot (Automatic)

Make a histogram with a certain number of bins. Provide your 1D data array to Data, and the number of bins desired to the Bins input. By default, the bins will span the full range of the data. You can adjust this “window” via the Data Range cluster.

int32_in int32_out Plot ID/Plot ID Out
Plot identifier. Plot ID Out always contains the same value as Plot ID.
double_1d_in Data
Raw data for which to produce the histogram.
int32_in Bins
Number of bins to use when generating the histogram. Default is 10.
cluster_in Data Range

Controls the range of data displayed.

double_in Data Min
Values smaller than this will be dropped from the histogram.
double_in Data Max
Values larger than this will be dropped from the histogram.
string_in Legend Title
Title to be displayed if a legend is added to the plot.
histogram_props Properties

Property cluster, available under the “Properties” subpalette.

uint32_in Color
Color of the bars. By default, uses the next value in the color cycle (shared with Bar Plot).
bool_in Cumulative
If True, display a cumulative histogram, in which each bar represents the number of values in that bin plus all previous bins combined.
bool_in Normalize
If True, the heights of the bars represent the percentage (0 to 100) of values in each bin, rather than raw counts.
cluster_in Line

Controls the appearance of the lines surrounding the bins.

enum_in Style
Line style (solid, dashed, etc.). Default is to automatically select an appropriate style.
uint32_in Color
Line color. May be a PlotColor or LabView color.
single_in Width
Line width, in font points (1/72 inch).
cluster_in Display

Controls the overall appearance of the plot.

double_in Alpha
Alpha blending value for this object (0.0 to 1.0). Default is 1.0 (fully opaque).
double_in Z Order
Stacking order. Default is chosen based on the object type.
error_in error_out Error In/Out
Terminals for standard error functionality.

Histogram Plot (Manual)

Make a histogram with the bins explicitly specified. This allows you to create irregularly-sized bins.

Provide your 1D data array to Data, and the bin edges to Bins. Note that since you are giving the locations of the bin edges, if Bins has N elements, N-1 bars will be displayed.

int32_in int32_out Plot ID/Plot ID Out
Plot identifier. Plot ID Out always contains the same value as Plot ID.
double_1d_in Data
Raw data for which to produce the histogram.
double_1d_in Bins
Bin edges to use when computing the histogram.
string_in Legend Title
Title to be displayed if a legend is added to the plot.
histogram_props Properties

Property cluster, available under the “Properties” subpalette.

uint32_in Color
Color of the bars. By default, uses the next value in the color cycle (shared with Bar Plot).
bool_in Cumulative
If True, display a cumulative histogram, in which each bar represents the number of values in that bin plus all previous bins combined.
bool_in Normalize
If True, the heights of the bars represent the percentage (0 to 100) of values in each bin, rather than raw counts.
cluster_in Line

Controls the appearance of the lines surrounding the bins.

enum_in Style
Line style (solid, dashed, etc.). Default is to automatically select an appropriate style.
uint32_in Color
Line color. May be a PlotColor or LabView color.
single_in Width
Line width, in font points (1/72 inch).
cluster_in Display

Controls the overall appearance of the plot.

double_in Alpha
Alpha blending value for this object (0.0 to 1.0). Default is 1.0 (fully opaque).
double_in Z Order
Stacking order. Default is chosen based on the object type.
error_in error_out Error In/Out
Terminals for standard error functionality.


Download Histogram.vi, or see Examples for a complete list of examples.


Axis Types

Both VIs support rectangular and polar plots.

Other information

If Data is empty, if Bins is set to 0 (Automatic), or has less than two elements (Manual), no plot is displayed. The color cycle is still advanced.

If Bins is negative (Automatic), the default number of bins will be used.

Non-finite elements in Data are ignored, and are not considered when computing the normalized histogram. Non-finite elements in Bins (Manual) are ignored. The ordering of elements in Bins (Manual) has no significance.