Add Text

Add text to the plot.

Provide a string, and X/Y positions. By default, the positions are in data units. This can be changed to width/height relative units (0.0 to 1.0) by setting the Relative Coordinates input to True.

int32_in int32_out Plot ID/Plot ID Out
Plot identifier. Plot ID Out always contains the same value as Plot ID.
string_in Text
Text to display. May contain inline markup; see Using Inline Text Markup.
double_in X Position
X location for the lower left corner of the displayed text.
double_in Y Position
Y location for the lower left corner of the displayed text.
bool_in Relative Coordinates
By default, X Position and Y Position are in data units. If True, use axis-relative (0.0 to 1.0) units instead.
text_props Properties

Property cluster, available under the “Properties” subpalette.

cluster_in Text

Controls text layout and options.

uint32_in Color
Text color (PlotColor or LabView color).
uint32_in Background Color
Color of text background (box directly behind the text.) PlotColor or LabView color.
int32_in Font Size
Size of text. Choosing a relative size (Small, Medium, Large, etc.) from the drop-down is recommended. You can also choose “Other” and specify an absolute font size (in points) manually.
enum_in Font Style
Style of font (normal, italic, bold).
double_in Rotation angle
Angle of rotation (about left bottom corner).
cluster_in Display

Controls text display appearance.

double_in Alpha
Alpha blending value for this object (0.0 to 1.0). Default is 1.0 (fully opaque).
double_in Z Order
Stacking order. Default is chosen based on the object type.
error_in error_out Error In/Out
Terminals for standard error functionality.


Download Text, or see Examples for a complete list of examples.


Axis Types

This VI supports both rectangular and polar axes.

Other information

If X Position or Y Position is non-finite (NaN or Inf), the text will not be displayed and no error will be returned.

If values are used which place the text partially or completely out of the axis box, only the portion which remains within the axis box will be displayed.

A font size of 0 will be ignored, and the default used. Negative font sizes have undefined effects.