View Array

Display a 2D array using pseudocolor.

This VI provides a simple way to visualize a 2D array, by coloring the values according to a colormap. Interpolation is used to render the array in a smoothed fashion.

int32_in int32_out Plot ID/Plot ID Out
Plot identifier. Plot ID Out always contains the same value as Plot ID.
double_2d_in Data
2D array to visualize.
cluster_in Boundaries

Array edge locations, in data units.

double_in X Min
Left side of array. Default is 0.
double_in X Max
Right side of array. Default is NX-1, or 1.0 if NX==1.
double_in Y Min
Bottom of array. Default is 0.
double_in Y Max
Top of array. Default is NY-1, or 1.0 if NY==1.
arrayview_props Properties

Property cluster, available under the “Properties” subpalette.

cluster_in Colormap

Controls the colormap used to shade the array data.

enum_in Map
Colormap to use. See Colormaps for more info.
double_in Value Min
Lower range for colormapped data; values smaller than this will all be plotted with the first color in the colormap.
double_in Value Max
Upper range for colormapped data; values larger than this will all be plotted with the last color in the colormap.
enum_in Scaling
Colormap scaling mode. Currently only linear scaling is supported.
bool_in Reverse
Flip the colormap; for example, if a map has 0.0 as black and 1.0 as white, this will assign 0.0 as white and 1.0 as black.
cluster_in Display

Controls general appearance of the plot.

double_in Alpha
Alpha blending value for this object (0.0 to 1.0). Default is 1.0 (fully opaque).
double_in Z Order
Stacking order. Default is chosen based on the object type.
error_in error_out Error In/Out
Terminals for standard error functionality.


Download, or see Examples for a complete list of examples.


Axis Types

This VI supports rectangular axes. Use with polar axes will result in 402905 - Operation Not Supported for Polar Plot. Likewise, only linear scales are supported. Use with log or symlog axes will result in 402906 - Operation Not Supported for Axis Scale.

Other information

If an empty Data array is provided this VI does nothing.

A non-finite entry in Boundaries will be ignored, and the default used. If any of the max/min entries in Boundaries are reversed, the array will be displayed flipped along that axis.

A non-finite value in Z Data will appear as a “hole” or artifact in the plot.