New Plot ID

Create a new plot. You can choose between rectangular axes (default) or polar axes. See Making Polar Plots for more information on using polar plots.

Outputs a new PlotID, which can be passed to plotting or rendering VIs. You must eventually close this identifier with Close Plot ID or resource leaks will result.

enum_in Plot Type
Choose between rectangular (default) and polar axes.
enum_in X Axis Scale
Set scale type for the X axis (linear, log, or symlog; see below). For polar plots, only linear scales are supported. Requesting a log or symlog scale will result in 402906 - Operation Not Supported for Axis Scale.
enum_in Y Axis Scale
Set scale type for the Y axis (linear, log, or symlog; see below).
new_props Properties

Property cluster, available under the “Properties” subpalette.

uint32_in Background Color
PlotColor or LabVIEW color setting the plot background (everything outside the axis bounds).
uint32_in Axis Background
PlotColor or LabVIEW color setting the background color within the axis bounds.
double_in Left Margin
Space between the left axis and the edge of the plot, expressed as a fraction of the plot width. Example: 0.25.
double_in Right Margin
Space between the right axis and the edge of the plot, expressed as a fraction of the plot width. Example: 0.25.
double_in Bottom Margin
Space between the bottom axis and the edge of the plot, expressed as a fraction of the plot height. Example: 0.1.
double_in Top Margin
Space between the top axis and the edge of the plot, expressed as a fraction of the plot height. Example: 0.1.
double_in Aspect Ratio
Set the pixels-per-data-unit ratio between the X and Y axes. By default, the aspect ratio is “floating” and changes automatically when the plot is resized. Polar plots always have 1.0 aspect ratio.
int32_out Plot ID
New plot identifier. You must eventually close this with a call to Close Plot ID, or resource leaks will occur.
error_in error_out Error In/Out
Terminals for standard error functionality.


Download Getting, or see Examples for a complete list of examples.

About scales

Linear scales are the default, and can display positive or negative values.

Logarithmic or log scales are used to display data which range over many orders of magnitude, but can only display positive data. The log base is 10.

Symmetric log, or symlog scales are a hybrid. They can display positive or negative data; a linear plot is used for a region around the origin. The log base is 10.

Other information

Margin values may be negative or greater than one, in which case the axis will extend off the side of the plot. If non-finite, the default values will be used.

If Aspect Ratio is zero, negative, or non-finite, the default ratio will be used.